Dr. Bob

After 40 plus years of active medical practice and now as a semi-retired physician, I find myself with more leisure time to actively pursue some of my avocations. I still maintain a limited medical practice because it's hard to let go when you like what you do.

One of my passions is photography which I have been doing throughout my medical career.

I founded and ran a very successful internal medical group practice on Long Island, N.Y. and was also the medical director for several local nursing homes. During the height of my medical career, I continued to pursue my interest in photography. In the latter part of the 1990s, I was fortunate to have had two photographic exhibits at one of New York City's most prestigious art galleries, The National Arts Club, at Gramercy Park.

My other hobby is writing. My publications can be viewed at my site http://rschoenfeldmd.artintel.net/ My writing began in 2007 with my first book, "OVER THERE," which was published in 2009. I just completed my third book "OVER HERE," which was released last summer, which spans my life's journey.